International Business Studies Center – CENI
Given the growing importance of Brazil in the global economic and political scenario, it is increasingly necessary to study the activities, strategies, structures of Brazilian multinational companies in their internationalization processes.
In this context, in 2009 the Center for Studies in International Business (CENI) appeared, composed of members of the faculty and student of the COPPEAD Institute of Administration at UFRJ, who are dedicated exclusively to the study of the subject in question. The main objective of the study center is the production and dissemination of scientific research on international business of Brazilian companies, through courses, lectures, consultancy projects and publications in scientific journals.
Research and publication
In the period from 2012 to 2019, CENI researchers and coordinators published 32 articles in national and international journals (between Qualis A1, A2, B1 and B2), two books and eight book chapters, and had 34 papers published in annals of national events and international. In addition, they are reviewers for 15 journals in Brazil and abroad. During that same period, 26 master’s and doctorate orientations, 34 from TCC and IC were completed and the professors who make up CENI participated in 30 thesis boards and 57 dissertations, both at COPPEAD and other educational institutions. They also participated in four public tenders for hiring teachers.
CENI’s main lines of research are:
- International Entrepreneurship
- Internationalization of family businesses
- International Marketing
- Analysis of International Scenarios
- International business and sustainability
- Public Policy and International Business
Recent Publications
- Book: Negócios Internacionais: perspectivas brasileiras (Figueira; Mello, 2015).
Dialogue between theory and practice
CENI works the dialogue between theory and practice, encouraging its researchers / students to develop scientific works for the purpose of publication, to participate in national and international congresses and to participate in consultancy work for both government agencies (for example, Apex-Brasil) as for private organizations (for example, Ambev). CENI’s contributions to the COPPEAD master’s degree translate into the disciplines offered: International Marketing, International Business Management, Interpretations of Brazil and, in 2019, has 3 guidelines in progress. The following disciplines have already been taught (but not currently in effect): International Business Environment and Management Research Methodology. For the doctorate, International Business II, Qualitative Research Methods and Research Applied to International Business are currently offered. The Public Management discipline has already been offered and discontinued. In 2019, it has 9 guidelines in progress. There are 2 supervisions in progress for postdoctoral studies.
Undergraduate courses are offered on Scientific Research Methodology II, Strategic Planning and Scenario Analysis courses (shared). History of Brazilian Foreign Policy and Methodology of Scientific Research I have already been offered. As a contribution to the extension training course for managers, CENI contributes to the discipline of Public Servants and the Rule of Law and – Aspects of Internationalization, both for employees from UFRJ. As for Executive Education, CENI’s contribution is made through the disciplines Project Applied to the Higher Course in Integrated Police and Management Models and Public Policies, Business Plan in the Executive MBA and Political Scenario in the emphasis on strategy. The discipline Internationalization of companies is taught in the MBA Fortaleza and the discipline Marketing of Projects for the in company course of Ambev. Since 2018, the Center has structured and started offering the 160-hour Foreign Trade and International Business course at COPPEAD Alumni, currently in its 2nd class and involving a large part of CENI’s researchers in the training of faculty and coordination .
The Center’s Network and Interinstitutional Partnerships
In September 2019, an academic cooperation agreement was signed – under registration with CAPES – between CENI-COPPEAD and NuPIN-IAG / PUC-RJ, forming a body of work with the objective of developing joint research, publishing scientific works in journals and congresses, with the main, but not exclusive, theme in the area of international business management. In addition to a professor, this agreement will add a senior researcher (DSc.), Four doctoral students and four master’s students, totaling a team of three professors and nineteen associate researchers.
Institutionalized Partnerships with Public Funding:
- PUC-COPPEAD (since 2016) Pronex / FAPERJ – Internationalization of service companies.
- PUC-COPPEAD-Escola de Guerra Naval- (2012 – 2016) Pro-strategy (CAPES, Ministry of Defense) – Didactic-Analytical Simulations: strategic uses of games in public defense management.
- The partnership with the military institutions Escola de Guerra Naval, Escola Superior de Guerra, School of Command and General Staff of the Army (ECEME), in addition to the Unit of CCJE-UFRJ – Institute of International Relations and Defense was consolidated in 2019 with the project Pro Defense (Capes, Ministry of Defense) – Integrated Security, Interagency Cooperation and Interoperability – ProDefesa.
Awarded Scientific Papers
In 2017 it was Best Paper at EIBA Milan 2017 – track 13: Novel Ways of Teaching, EIBA (European International Business Academy); in 2015 Best Work at the Strategy Studies Meeting (3Es), ANPAD; in 2014 Outstanding Award in the thematic area of International Strategy, X ESPM Congress; in 2011 Jabuti Award (co-author of a chapter), Brazilian Book Chamber. Guidance for award-winning works – Best Dissertation Proposal at Doctoral Consortium, The Society for Global Business & Economic Development (2019) – IX SOF Monograph Award, Federal Budget Secretariat / Ministry of Planning, Development and Management (2016).
- Lecture cycle: thinking about Brazil with the diplomat Cristiano Berbert: Government policies to encourage the internationalization of Brazilian companies: the role played by Itamaraty (2014) and with the member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, José Murilo de Carvalho with the theme Citizenship in Brazil (2014).
- NVIVO Workshop for training CENI researchers and other guests (2017).
- In August 2020, CENI-COPPEAD will host, together with NuPIN-IAG, the 25th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference. The activities of call for papers, dissemination of the conference and search for institutional supporters for the event began in September 2019. – Training Course for Managers, registered in the RUA 2018-2 Notice – SIGProj nº305453.1680.236913.14052018, with the theme “Aspects of Internationalization”, for UFRJ employees.
Communication with Society
The coordinators of CENI had 43 insertions in the media – part of these insertions in the international media, among them are: The Wall Street Journal (USA), The Wolkskrant (Netherlands), Economiahoy (Mexico), Sputinik (Russia), Jornal Nikkei ( Japan), Profile (Bloomberg- Argentina), News Front (Spain) Globonews, CBN, DCI, Estadão, Você S / A, Correio Popular, Valor Econômico and Gazeta Mercantil.
As already mentioned, CENI has two sources of institutional financing:
Integrated Security, Interagency Cooperation and Interoperability.
– Internationalization of service companies.