The Professor Emérito Agrícola Bethlem Library was created in September 1974 to serve the Master’s Program in Administration at the Center for Legal and Economic Sciences, with the objective of supporting the teaching, research and extension activities of the COPPEAD Institute, the UFRJ community and the society in general.
With a reading area with computers and internet access, Wi-Fi network and six rooms for group studies, the library is part of the Library and Information System – SiBI / UFRJ.
The Library’s collection can be found in the online catalog of Base Minerva, which is the integrated search system for library collections at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Includes books, electronic files, theses, dissertations, periodicals and other documents.
The theses and dissertations defended at the Institute are available at Base Minerva. These publications are allowed to be lent to students, professors and employees of UFRJ, or registered institutions.
Remote access to the Capes Journal Portal for graduate students, professors and other UFRJ servers through the UFRJ Intranet
Electronic Books
COPPEAD has free access to electronic books available at the following links:
Brasiliana Collection
Originally edited by Companhia Editora Nacional from 1931 to 1993, the Brasiliana Collection gathered 415 volumes by Brazilian and foreign authors. The Brasiliana Eletrônica project will digitize the entire collection of the Collection and display it openly on this website.
Bibliographic switching – COMUT
Comut allows obtaining copies of technical and scientific documents available in the collections of the main Brazilian libraries and in international information services. Among the accessible documents are: technical-scientific journals; theses and dissertations; annals of national and international congresses; technical reports; parts of documents (book chapters), provided they are authorized by the Copyright Law.
The user can request copies of documents through the COPPEAD Library (as an intermediary). Just go to the sector with the data of the material to be requested and place the order.
It is also possible to make your requests directly over the Internet, from anywhere in the world. To do this, after registering with Comut, you must purchase Comut Bonuses, which will serve as a payment mechanism for the requested copies.
Interlibrary loan
This type of loan is offered to the community of the COPPEAD Institute of Administration (students, teachers and employees) with updated registration at the Library.
If the Library does not have in its collection material of interest to the public served, the publication may be obtained by means of a loan from other partner libraries. There are several libraries of public and private institutions in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro.
The user must first check the availability of the material at its source. After that, complete the service form on the website of the Instituto COPPEAD Library with information on the material to be requested, such as title, author, location and code. The forwarding of the request will be duly accompanied by the reference sector of the Library and the responsible librarian.