Rodrigo Leite

Finance and Management Control

Rodrigo Leite
M.Sc in Business Administration, EBAPE/FGV
D.Sc. in Business Administration, EBAPE/FGV

Teaching Areas
Corporate Finance, Accounting, Business Strategy

Research interests
Financial Accounting, Causality in Finance and Accounting, Microfinance, Behavioral Economics


Assistant Professor of Finance at COPPEAD/UFRJ. He holds a BA in Accounting from Rio de Janeiro State University, and an MSc and Ph.D. in Business from the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration. He has published in international peer-reviewed journals in the fields of finance, economics, accounting, and mathematics, such as “Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal”, “International Review of Economics and Finance”, “Research in International Business and Finance”, “International Journal of Finance and Economics”, “Economics Bulletin”, “Research in Economics” and “Mathematics”. He has presented several papers in leading international and Brazilian conferences such as the AAA Annual Meeting, AAA Mid-Atlantic Region Meeting, JAAF Conference, EBFin and ENANPAD. He also has received the Best Accounting Paper Prize at ENANPAD (2016) and Best Plenary Session Paper at the USP Conference (2018). He is a former consultant to the World Bank.

Networks and Links
CV Lattes | ORCID

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