André Luiz Carvalhal da Silva


André Luiz Carvalhal da Silva
Doctor of Business Administration, University of Manchester
Master of Management, McGill University
Post-Doctorate, UCLA and Columbia University

Teaching Areas
Corporate Governance, Econometrics, Evaluation of Investments and Companies

Research Interests
Asset Pricing, Behavioral Finance, Econometrics, Evaluation of Investments and Companies, Microstructure and Informational Asymmetry, Statistics and Quantitative Methods


Full Professor of Finance at COPPEAD. Post-Doctor in Finance from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),Visiting Scholar at Columbia University and CPCL from Harvard Business School. Doctor of Business Administration from University of Manchester, Master of Management from McGill University (Canada), Doctor and Master in Management from COPPEAD, Engineering degree from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Law degree from State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He has been a CNPq and FAPERJ Research Fellow for more than a decade. Professional experience in companies and financial institutions in Brazil, in the USA, and in the United Kingdom. Former CEO of Fundação de Assistência e Previdência Social do BNDES (FAPES). Former Director of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) in London, Head of International Markets and Head of Funding. He has conducted research projects for several multilateral organizations, such as the Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations, and World Bank. He has published more than 100 papers in books, conferences and prestigious academic journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Quantitative Finance, Applied Economics, Applied Financial Economics, Emerging Markets Review, among others. Founding member of the Brazilian Society of Finance. Author and organizer of 13 books, such as “Essays on Corporate Governance in Brazil”, “Empirical Studies on Corporate Governance and Asset Pricing in Brazil”, “Corporate Governance and Firm Success”, “Applied Financial Mathematics”, “The Private Fixed Income Market in Brazil”, “Risk Management and Derivatives: Applications in Brazil”, “Introduction to Data Analysis”, “Objective and Practical Financial Mathematics”, “Corporate Governance and Financial Decisions in Brazil”, “Corporate Governance: Empirical Evidence in Brazil”, and “Corporate Governance in Brazil and the World”.

Social Networks and Links
CV Lattes | ORCID | Scopus | Google Scholar | Researchgate

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