Consumer Studies Center – CEC

Coordinated by professors Leticia Casotti, Maribel Suarez and Roberta Campos, CEC intends to stimulate a pluralized view of contemporary consumption and management practices, inspiring researchers, government, companies and even consumers to see new angles of their daily practices.

The center also aims to deepen and generate knowledge about qualitative methods (eg, method of itineraries, netnography, life history, analysis of cultural texts, ethnography of consumption), which produce integration of different areas of Human Sciences, such as Sociology , Anthropology and Psychology, with the objective of generating information and reflections on Marketing questions, both in the academic and business spheres.

Research project
Consumer behavior


  • Cultural Branding;
  • Consumer Producer;
  • Anti-consumption;
  • Abandonment of Consumption.
  • Marketing and Social Media
  • Tobacco Industry Strategies in Brazil
  • Gender and Consumption
  • Black Consumer
  • Vulnerable Consumer
  • Tourism in the Elderly

Scientific production

Books and Chapters

Cultura e Consumo no Brasil: estado atual e novas perspectivas

Chapter 1: Preparing the Way for the Arrival of Consumer Culture Theory. By Roberta Campos, Thaysa Nascimento and Valeria de Pinho. The area of culture and consumption is always a challenging adventure. The articles found in this book are, at the same time, a guide and a trip for those interested in this type of knowledge adventure. The field is built from other areas that inspire, support and teach us how to deal with the serendipity of consumption. The interpretative approach brings to knowledge more flexibility in the place of generalizations, more tolerance in the place of the search for truths and more relativism in the place of the search for security. In: Marcelo de Rezende Pinto; Georgiana Luna Batinga. (Org.). Culture and Consumption in Brazil: current status and new perspectives. Belo Horizonte: Editora PUC Minas, 2018, v. 1, p. 55-62.

O Tempo da Beleza

Launched in 2008, the book The Time of Beauty, Consumption and Female Behavior: New Looks, organized by Leticia Casotti, Maribel Suarez and Roberta Dias Campos, is the result of the “Beauty in Everyday” research carried out by the L’Oréal Chair Consumer. The work was carried out with women from Rio, upper class and aged between 17 and 55 years old, applying the Itinerary Method – an investigation carried out in the domestic environment of the interviews -, presenting testimonials and photos of the products to define, in a closer to reality, the behavior and consumption of personal hygiene products and cosmetics. It also gathers articles by psychologists, anthropologists, economists and sociologists, leading the reader to reflect on the different cultures, the academic functioning of societies and the particularities of our time, thus dissociating the theme from the usual universe of futility.

À Mesa com a Família

Through qualitative research, Letícia Casotti offers, in this book, a comprehensive view of preferences, conflicts and even the perplexities that Brazilian food consumers go through. With an engaging text, she points out, in this study that it originated from her doctoral thesis in the area of Technological Innovation and Industrial Organization (ITOI), important points to be thought about and used by companies and professionals related to food consumption.

Relações com os Consumidores: Experiências Brasileiras

Producing knowledge about the specificities present in relations with Brazilian consumers is a challenge that needs to be faced by researchers and executives in our country. In Consumer Relations: Brazilian Experiences, recent cases of companies operating in Brazil are described, through which the reader can get to know and delve into practical and conceptual aspects related to Relationship Marketing, such as the implementation of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) ), the performance of SACs (Customer Service) and Complaints. By Leticia Casotti and Maribel Suarez.

Etnografias Possíveis – experiências etnográficas sobre consumo no ambiente urbano

GALINDO, F.; SUAREZ, M. C.. Sociabilities and action strategies: in a netnographic study on demand and consumption before the launch of the product – HB20 case. In: Maria Elisabeth Goidanich; Solange Riva Mezabarba. (Org.). Possible Ethnographies – Ethnographic experiences on consumption in the urban environment. Rio de Janeiro: Ponteio, 2014, v. , P. 239.

Research in Consumer Behavior

Suarez, Maribel Carvalho ; CHAUVEL, Marie Agnes . Different Ways of Saying Goodbye: Outlining Three Types of Abandonment of a Product Category. In: Russell W. Belk; S Soren Askegaard; Linda Scott. (Org.). Research in Consumer Behavior. 1ed.: Emerald, 2012, v. 1

Corpo, Envelhecimento e Felicidade

CASOTTI, Letícia Moreira; CAMPOS, Roberta Dias. Consumption of beauty and aging: stories of research and time. In: GOLDENBERG, MIRIAN. (Org.). Body, Aging and Happiness. 1st ed .:, 2011, v. , P. 109-132

Meals in science and pratice

CASOTTI, Letícia Moreira . Brazilians meals. In: Meiselman, Herb. (Org.). Meals in science and pratice. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2009, v. , p. -.

Ética, sustentabilidade e sociedade: Desafios da nossa era

SUAREZ, Maribel Carvalho; CASOTTI, Letícia Moreira. Market orientation for the Third Sector – The art of Afro Reggae. In: Chauvel, Marie Agnes; Cohen, Marcos. (Org.). Ethics, sustainability and society: Challenges of our era. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad X, 2009, vol. , P. –

Consumo na Base da Pirâmide: Estudos Brasileiros

HAUVEL, Marie Agnes; SUAREZ, Maribel Carvalho. Poor consumers and post-purchase dissatisfaction: they have no respect for people. In: Angela da Rocha, Jorge Ferreira da Silva. (Org.). Consumption at the base of the pyramid Brazilian studies. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad X, 2009, v. 1, p. 179-204. SUAREZ, Maribel Carvalho; Motta, Paulo Cesar; BARROS, C.. Consumption and punishment: a portrait of consumer relations in the series A Diarista. In: Angela da Rocha; Jorge Ferreira da Silva. (Org.). Consumption at the base of the pyramid Brazilian studies. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, 2009, v. 1, p. 205-224. CASOTTI, Leticia Moreira; SUAREZ, Maribel Carvalho; DELIZA, R.. Food consumers in low-income families: sharing findings, experiences and learnings. In: Angela da Rocha; Jorge Ferreira da Silva. (Org.). Consumption at the base of the Pyramid Brazilian studies. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad X, 2009, v. 1, p. 245-255

Indústrias Criativas no Brasil

OGURI, Lúcia Maria Bittencourt; CHAUVEL, Marie Agnes; SUAREZ, Maribel Carvalho. TV: The process of creating soap operas. In: Tomas Wood Jr .; Pedro F. Bendassoli, Charles Kirschbaum, Miguel Pina and Cunha. (Org.). Creative Industries in Brazil. São Paulo: Atlas, 2009, v. 1, p. 84-96

À la recherche du consommateur: nouvelles techniques pour mieux comprendre le client

BÉJI-BÉCHEUR, Amina ; CAMPOS, R. D. . La méthode des itinéraires. In: Delphine Dion. (Org.). A la recherche du consommateur: nouvelles techniques pour mieux comprendre le client. 1ed.Paris: Dunod, 2008, v. 1, p. 51-70.


  • A Transformação do Gosto em Contextos de Instabilidade Socioeconômica: Uma Investigação etnográfica no município de Santana do Acaraú, Ceará.
    Lucivania Filomeno Ponte – 2020
  • Criação e Destruição de Valor em Prática de Consumo do Sol.
    Débora Bogea da Costa Tayt-Son – 2018
  • Socialização do Consumidor Adulto e Desdobramentos na Maternidade Independente.
    Catia Silva da Costa Moreira – 2017
  • Valores Hedônicos e Utilitários na Compra do Automóvel: Experiências de Consumo na Classe Média Emergente.
    Tonny Kerley Rodrigues – 2017
  • NÃO USO: significados e Processos.
    Caroline Agne Vanzellotti – 2016
  • A Eterna Criança e as Barreiras do Ter: consumo de pessoas com Síndrome de Down e suas famílias.
    Marina Dias de Faria – 2015. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
    Orientador: Letícia Moreira Casotti.
  • Práticas de Consumo em uma Ecovila: uma investigação etnográfica.
    Fernanda Chagas Borelli – 2014. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do RJ.
    Orientador: Letícia Moreira Casotti.
    Clique aqui para acessar a tese
  • Consumidores de Baixa Renda e suas Reclamações: estudo em um núcleo de defesa do consumidor.
    Marcus Wilcox Hemais – 2013. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
    Orientador: Letícia Moreira Casotti.
    Clique aqui para acessar a tese
  • Consumo erótico feminino e cultura material.
    Luciana Castello da Costa Leme Walther – 2012. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
    Coorientador: Letícia Moreira Casotti.
    Clique aqui para acessar a tese
  • Resistência à Maquiagem: práticas cotidianas e não consumo.
    Eliane Bragança de Matos – 2011. Tese (Doutorado em Centro de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisas em Administração – CEPEAD) – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
    Coorientador: Letícia Moreira Casotti.
    Clique aqui para acessar a tese
  • A Transmissão Familiar como Chave de Leitura do Processo Difusão de Inovações: uma investigação interpretativa e microssocial da adoção e consumo de produtos de beleza.
    Roberta Dias Campos – 2010. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) – Universidade Federal do
    Rio de Janeiro.
    Orientador: Letícia Moreira Casotti.
    Clique aqui para acessar a tese



Ana Raquel Rocha


Catia Moreira


Camila Braga

Associate Researcher

Izabela Domingues

Post-doctoral student

Camila Barros

Academic Advisor

Lucivania Ponte


Bianca Lopes


Fernanda Burjack


Caroline Marques Goldstein

PhD student

Cristina Perez

PhD student

Elisa Priori

PhD student

Flavia Fracalanzza

PhD student

Flavio Medeiros

PhD student

Karla Algelkorte

PhD student

Leonardo Soares

PhD student

Renata Domingues

PhD student

Renata Garanito

PhD student

Talita Peixoto

PhD student

Thaysa do Nascimento

PhD student

Amanda Leal

Full-Time MBA Student

Andre Marinho

Full-Time MBA Student

Diogo Vivacqua

Full-Time MBA Student

Eduardo Madella

Full-Time MBA Student

Flavio Crelier

Full-Time MBA Student

Lívia Lessa

Full-Time MBA Student

Raphael de Almeida

Full-Time MBA Student

Beatriz Sadler

Trainee of Scientific Initiation FAPERJ

Caio Aguiar

Trainee of Scientific Initiation PIBIC

Leticia Braz

Trainee of Scientific Initiation FAPERJ

Lucas Mulim

Trainee of Scientific Initiation FAPERJ

Nathalia Paiva

Trainee of Scientific Initiation PIBIC

Thuany Araújo

Trainee of Scientific Initiation PIBIC

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