“Scholarship 2021” Program ensures support to the institution’s students

“Supporting talents for transformation” is the motto for the Scholarship 2021 Program, launched by COPPEAD for future master’s degree students. The initiative ensures that all members of the class starting in 2021 receive one monthly scholarship during the course. The proposal serves as an additional incentive for those interested in one of Latin America’s main executive training programs.

The Full-time MBA is a 100% tuition-free program that grants a diploma from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and students usually receive scholarships from government funding agencies such as CAPES, CNPQ and FAPERJ. However, the amount of scholarships is not always enough for the whole class. That situation, plus the vast economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, has led the school’s board of Directors to ensure financial support for all those students who don’t have any other formal support (work or government support).

The Program, financed by the school itself, will pay a scholarship of R$1.500,00 per month, for those who do not receive grants or are not working. The amount is the same as provided by the government entities and will be guaranteed until the student obtains another source of remuneration, a government grant or graduates from the master’s program, which lasts an average of 18 months.

“Investing in studies, in the current context, is a strategic choice. However, it still demands efforts and takes risks. In this sense, we understand that, by ensuring that all new students at Cohort 2021 receive at a scholarship, we are contributing even more to the development of our country”, says Elaine Tavares, Dean of Coppead.

All the selected students for the 2021 Cohort will be eligible for this program. The scholarships will be distributed according to the class analysis and allocation of scholarships from the funding agencies.

The Full-time MBA’s selection process is open for applications until November 27, 2020. Click here for program information.

Rolar para cima
Rolar para cima